
You Know You Want Me

I was in our local Walmart today in Valparaiso, Indiana. I was with my mother and my 12 year old daughter. We were all very tired from our spring break outting and was in the store picking up a few needed items. The store was very busy as it was a Friday early afternoon. A “lady” (with tri-colored pink, black and purple hair in her early 20’s) and I use that term losely was behind me with a cart. She hit the back of my foot three times with her cart. After the third time I turned around and said, “Excuse Me.” She replied with the comment, “If your fat ass would walk a little faster I wouldn’t have to keep hitting you.” We exchanged some very colorful words that then ended in me saying “Bite me” and by now we had drawn a crowd. Her reply to my bite me comment was “You are more then a mouth full.” I then turned to her stuck out my chest, ran my hand firmly across my breast and said, “Oh baby you know you want me and you would love every minute of it, just admit it.” My mother disappeared into a different aisle in the store and my 12 year old hung her head in shame. LOVE IT, LOVE IT. Note * I am a large BBW and proud of it.


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