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WWIB: F Yourself

Who gives f*cks better? Personally, I always favor a man that can tell me to go F myself subtly. It’s slick. You made me read and interpret my own f*ck you. That’s good.

Michigan & Mississippi


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  1. I’d like to see more of the girl in purple shorts.

    The pointing finger is redundant. The middle finger itself denotes “fuck you”. As it is, it says “fuck you you”.

    PS, does that guy have 3 shirts on?!?!?!

  2. Def that dude has 2 shirts (I thought that too until I looked at the image long enough). Wal Mart has perpetuated this culture by allowing people to come in like this by using the fact that people may be low-income status and/or a lack of places to shop for necessities.

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