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Whiney Little B

Well shit, with solid argument foundations like this one, I’m not sure why we even need to elect politicians. Get this man in the Senate right now.



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      • Unlike you cowardly rednecks who need guns and big trucks to make you feel like a man, I actually have combat training and if you think learning to shoot a gun is the same as learning self-defense with a gun, you are most stupid than I imagined.

        • Dude, it’s “…. MORE stupid than I realized” And we have 2nd amendment rights, Rights that no liberal politician will ever take away. That’s the point the guy’s shirt is making. Sad that it should make people scared.

        • Dude, it’s “…. MORE stupid than I realized” And we have 2nd amendment rights, Rights that no liberal politician will ever take away.

      • Oh look at the pitiful Trump supporter that needs a gun to stand behind. Put it in your mouth and pull the trigger little boy.

    • Aww…poor little fella. Can’t control your hate or your emotions. Does the big gun scare you? You pussy ass little bitch. Still trying to figure out which of the 61 genders you most closely identify with? Let me guess- you’re a gender-queer, gender fluid, non-conforming non-binary lesbian trapped in a man’s body?

      The left: college-aged “adults” who are traumatized by a painting of George Washington and statues of Thomas Jefferson, yet have the balls to call themselves patriots.

      The left: says the right is trying to end free speech on one hand, and on the other, they protest EVERY CONSERVATIVE INVITED TO SPEAK AT ANY COLLEGE CAMPUS in the country because they can’t handle it when someone doesn’t live in the groupthink bubble or blindly follow the leftist narrative.

      The left: Women are to be believed! But only if they’re flaming liberal women. If conservative, well, we all know what the scum left calls them. They are not to be believed no matter what they say.

      The left: blacks need Dems to hold their hands, but only if they’re flaming liberals. Otherwise, it’s completely fine to call them c o o n s and even house nig… Look how they treat Kanye as an example.

      The left: screeches about the right being racist, yet one of the longest-serving members of Congress just so happened to be a Democrat, a close family friend of the Clinton’s, and an actual member of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Not only a member, but recruiter and one time leader. Upon his death, the Dems all memorialized him on the House floor and even Obama himself called him a hero.

      So, being an actual ex-member, recruiter, and leader of the KKK? Perfectly fine! Not racist at all!

      Trump doesn’t disavow a racist who said he will vote for him quickly enough? 100% proof that Trump is a White supremacist and Nazi who supports a White takeover of the country.

      And then we have old Hillary “Superpredators Who Need To Be Brought To Heel” Clinton completely bashing blacks and came up with a new, Dem accepted, totally racist name for them…Superpredators. Yep. No double standard there!

      • Is this truly where you choose to rant about your politics? I’m not saying you’re wrong, I’m not saying you’re right, I’m just saying a website intended to make fun of people who go out in public looking…well, awry, is perhaps not the best place to take shots at others’ politics.

        And you do make some good points.

  1. That’s about the size of it. Libtards love the Consitution and tell us they don’t want to impeach our president, we have to impeach him to protect the Constitution. They say the Constitution is the law of the land. Period! Funny though, that they’d shred it in a heartbeat if they could. They don’t give a rats ass when it comes to the 2A.

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