
When You Can’t Afford Tinder Premium

Single Females Shirt
Single Females Shirt
Tinder Premium Shirt
When you can’t afford Tinder Premium. Some say there are plenty of fish in the sea. Well they are right, and what better bait to use than this doozy of a t-shirt. We’d say it’s one-of-a-kind.


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  1. He’d be better off writing it in Braille. It would take a blind woman with no sense of smell to take up his offer.

  2. Despite his serious commitment and stellar efforts, sadly he still only gets texts from the one true woman in his life, his mother.

  3. It’s tragic that guys like this never seem to be in the same Walmart as the gal with “Blowjob Queen” t-shirts or the one spreading chaos one dick at a time.

    I’m holding out hope, however, that one day the two will meet, and they’ll hear banjos instead of bells.

  4. You F’ers cut off the last digit, I had to text all ten numbers hoping to find him and ask him where i could find a nice man.

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