Yesterday while waiting in line at my local Wal-Mart to exchange a defective item, what I was hearing from the customer ahead of me gave me an idea: When it was my turn, I approached the counter without showing what I was exchanging, looked the young woman straight in the eye and said in kind of a rapid-fire manner: “I want you to give me my money back on something I bought last year. I don’t have my receipt and I don’t remember what it was, but that’s your problem, not mine.” She got that deer-in-the-headlights look, but as soon as I finished with what I was saying, I burst into laughter, and she did too because she then realized I was not only kidding, but also showing her some empathy. I told her I understood what she must go through on a daily basis (she corrected me: hourly, not daily), and we both had a good laugh. So did the lady in line behind me, who heard the whole thing.
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