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Wastin’ Away

I see California is gearing up for their summer full of Jimmy Buffet concerts.



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  1. How the fuck is this bullshit allowed? Unless it is a legitimate service dog these brain-dead degenerates should be fucking jailed for a year and then banned from pet ownership. Having a dog because you are frightened of your shadow is not a service dog.

    • I’m old and my eye sight is failing – but – that is a parrot and not a dog. Are you looking at the photos in braile? If you are – get your fingers out of your asshole and wash them.

      • Why are you rednecks so fucking illiterate? Aren’t you embarrassed by your stupidity? You should be but are not which is why you never try to better your situation so are stuck in shit.

        No animal but a legit service dog should be allowed.

        Is that easier for your mong brain to understand?

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