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Valid Point

What’s the point of having sexy thong underwear if nobody can see it?



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    • How does it feel to have such low standards?

      Besides being grossly overweight, she is classless and obviously stupid as hell.

      Life should be good but you low-class, low-IQ pieces of trash purposely make it as disgusting as possible.

      Sad and pathetic.

      • She has a cute ass and she is not grossly overweight…a little meat never hurts anyone. I’d rather bang that then the women you’d call beautiful. Sticks don’t turn me on…women like this do..they got big boobs, an ass that bounces and will usually bang the hell out of you.
        AND…how do you know that she lives in a trailer?? I can’t see any proof that would suggest that she lives in a trailer.
        Life is good…and there are many people out there with Hi IQ that want real women…no skinny gold diggers. I likes me some meatloaf 😉

        • What a sad life you rednecks lead and you do it willingly.

          There is nothing between fat ass and skinny?

          A good diet and decent amount of exercise is what is attractive.

          This blob does neither

          • If you can’t stand the sight of REAL women like this, why are always on POW instead of the Vogue website where you can ogle at the emaciated stick-chicks?

    • …says the 450 lbs loser in his moms basement who couldn’t find enough money to pay this honey to let him do her.

  1. Trailer trash???? That young ass deserves a month of service to me and at least 5 of my friends. She’d be slimmed down and primed for the entire trailer park and dogging in the park down the highway after a month with us!
    Maybe we’d even take turns – you know one at a time – not all five at once!

      • She may have only three orifices, but, we did an ‘up-standing’ woman with two boys in her mouth and one in her ‘front hole’ and two in her ‘back hole’ ——— a good time was had by all!!! We did have to carry her to the car and drive her home and carry her into her house…..

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