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Urine Sample

You’re officially the worst human on Earth. Congratulations, I never want to see you again.



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  1. Well I would like to think it is a new one fresh out of the box and she(or is it a he) is getting ready to install it. Lets have the benefit of the doubt here.

    • Yeah; I was thinking the same thing myself. Even then, just the thought of what those things are for would discourage me from putting even a new, unused one in my mouth.

      Scorched Earth

  2. New or old – so what!!! I think it is a she — you can see small bulges where tits should be. However, it also looks like she has false teeth – at least the uppers……………..

  3. Usually, I know it’s hard to believe based on average Walmart employee, but it’s one of the mentall y challenged ones that cleans bathrooms. Which could make this a case of bullying by the slightly smarter WM employees.

  4. That’s funny
    Of course its new they are wearing a hat and a clean t-shirt meaning he/she didn’t take it from the bog

    From rob

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