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Trump Thumper

Seriously, sometimes I think China & Russia have the right idea. If you just have a dictator then you don’t have to hear all the political bullshit every year. Think about what all you’d give up to not have to see political ads and political news. Just saying, it makes ya think a little.



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  1. A woman for president pussy grabber, from the recently blue state of Virginia no less.
    Isn’t that special?

  2. Trump doesn’t seem to know the difference between a democracy and a dictatorship. He’s hoping he can become and remain King Trump, and keep his screwball klan-family in power for all eternity. Hamburders and kovfefe for all! Oh, stock up on windmill cream, so you don’t get cancer. You might as well get the flu shot to save yourself from the coronavirus, too. He makes G.W. Bush look intelligent.

  3. It seems to be much more the Trump haters that do not know the difference between democracy and a dictatorship. Trump was lawfully elected as POTUS and, nearly four years later, the haters still have not understood that.

  4. Somehow I have a real problem imagining anyone going to this extreme to show their support for anyone. Seems a bit overdone by somebody who really has a personal problem with people who don’t agree with their choices, however idiotic they may be.

  5. I just hope this rolling death trap STAYS parked in the Wal-Mart. All it would take is for one of those numerous banners to come loose and go flying and the driver behind this rolling pile of crap is instantly blind.

  6. I triple-dog-dare the owner of this RV to drive it through the campus of a liberal university.

    Scorched Earth

    • I would its not owned by me, the snowflakes would go cry in a corner. Then when nobody was around, toss rocks etc at it. Or when wearing a mask over their faces

  7. You do realize that under a Democrat your website will become a hate crime, right (and that includes Bernie)? Not joking, making fun of men in pink tutu’s will be offensive and you will have to bow to the offended gods.

  8. Billy Clinton should be in jail, along with his demonic wife with or without her many girlfriends. Trump 2020 and beyond. KAGA, this time someone who actually does what he says in the oval office. Don’t tell me that the Leftist Libtards will try another Russia Gate part 2 or maybe a president to president phone call to Ukraine part 2. They can’t stand right lose, especially to president Trump 2x

  9. Russian bounties on our soldiers and Trump won’t do anything about it is the number one reason he’s unfit for office. The dead military personnel are our friends, neighbors, kids, grandkids and Trump doesn’t care. It was in his daily briefing and he ignored it. If you vote for this TRAITOR knowing this, you’re no better than him. Support our troops, VOTE AGAINST TRUMP!

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