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Thoughts & Prayers

Our thoughts and prayers go out to those families effected by this past weekend’s shooting in El Paso, Texas.


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    • If he was, he’s either not very alert or he is watching for the entertainment value. Either way, I’ll put more faith in my .357.

          • No, Satin is the one that makes people commit evil acts of violence. People that have come to Jesus don’t have the hate that so many in this country are obsessed with. There were absolutely no school shootings before they removed prayer from school.

  1. My heart goes out to all of the victims and their families in both Electric Paso and Dayton. Prayers for all of you.

  2. In my half century of existence, I have never seen anything good come from hatred, and I doubt I ever will. The tragedies of El Paso and Dayton are proof of that

    Scorched Earth

  3. @faith in .357…have you ever shot and killed someone? DO you know what it feels like to shoot and kill a breathing human and how that feeling haunts you? Ask a soldier who has experienced it…they will mostlikely give you a different view of what that is like.
    And as far as God is concerned…oneday we will all stand and face his judgement whether you believe in him or not. I have done things in my life that I am not proud of and I too will face that judgement.
    People depend too much on guns for defense and use that for an excuse to have guns…what happened to a good old school yard fight? What happened to either whooping someones ass or getting your ass whooped? Grow a pair of balls.

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