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The Trike

Can’t fit in at bike rally, won’t fit in at a car show. The struggle is real.



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  1. Is it a motorcycle or a convertible? It’s both, and someone actually blew a shit-ton of money on this monstrosity…

  2. Well, if you had gone to war in some far away place and got your legs blown off, and you loved riding motorcycles, then this is the answer! The back part holds the wheelchair that the legless veteran uses to ride into the back part and then he can somehow remove himself from the chair and get into the seat to start and drive the motorcycle. Once he is out of the chair and it is in back, the veteran can push a button and the cover comes down and the back door shuts (Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the top and back door are remote controlled and all he has to do is press a button and the top and back door open and close so he can accomplish what I just described). Now, aren’t you sorry that ANY of you said some kind of CRAP about this???

    • I call BS. If your story is correct, why does the Trike have Peddles? Something a double amputee would not need.

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