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The Role Model

Not sure if this dude is telling us to have sex with midgets or just doesn’t like them. Mixed signals here but I really don’t want to ask him to elaborate either.



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  1. Lot of angry anti trumpers on here. Must be midgets. I guess if i were you guys id be mad too knowing the seal is broken and all in yo asses. Dont worry i bought tampax for you all, might help soak up the blood from your torn up midget asses. I love instigating shit, being provocative, out of line, a bully to whiny faggot midgets on here. The loudest is the weakest, most easily picked on and the most miserible. The secret is to stop fucking for years to increase the psychotic nature and crazy to a 12 on a 10 scale. So i say bring it on biden midgets because i really am such a cruel person and thats how i get my happiness is torturing people stupid enough to play with me.

    Ill be waiting for your guys “bloodbath street fight” with my chainsaw waiting for a crowd of rioting scum. Doesnt matter the color of the meat, if it gets in my way it gets a first class one way ticket to the god of their choice. Send me the bill i dont give a fuck anymore, just let my ptsd get out of control and wait for the angry cunts. I hope i get the high score.

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