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The Nazi

Point: Nazi tattoos look like shit and make you look like a total piece of shit, so you probably shouldn’t get one.
Counterpoint: Nazi tattoos help everyone else easily identify people as the total pieces of shit they are, so if you’re thinking about getting one you should because it will help us know you’re garbage.



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    • This is very true, but there is a spectrum. Just like there is a difference between cow shit and hamster shit. Both are shit, but clearly one is worse than the other.

      Nazi’s (AKA Trumpanzees) are the shitiest shit that was ever shat out.

      Run of the mill tattoos are just normal sized shit.

  1. Please do explain yourself. Please do tell us all how and why Trump is a Nazi. Please use facts as your opinions do not warrant merit without them.

  2. It might seem petty given the context, but to add insult to injury, he didn’t even manage to spell mein Kampf correctly-see right leg: it reads MEINKAMPH…I guess it’s the intention that counts…

  3. He’s not a nazi. He’s most likely just a dude who did some time. If you are white and locked up, that just means friend. You’d be happy to have this guy on your side if you were doing a bit. People just dont get it on the outside but if you had gangs coming at you these are your brothers and you would then understand.

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