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The Naked Mile

We’re going streaking! We’re going up to the quad and through the gymnasium.



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  1. More naked men!!!! (I’m a natural born hereto female so chill out.) we have too many sluts showing off their nastiness. We need more men. Signed, management

  2. And I am a natural born gay man – who would also like to see more man meat. Whatever you are – if you have a problem with that – it is entirely YOUR PROBLEM.

    • I’m okay with straight men. In fact I wish there were more gay men as long as there were more Bi-sexual and straight women!

    • Its not the fact that “you`re gay…”, (Whoopee-fuckin-doo… nobody gives a Flying Fuck WHAT you are…), its the fact that you insist on LOUDLY droning ON and on about it, and portraying yourself as some sort of victim, over and over and over again…. you pathetic, attention seeking, waste of oxygen….
      Just get over yourself and STFU.

  3. He ran out of toilet paper and underwear. Targe twas too far to run to, and enforces Health Department dress code.

  4. Looks like it’s the wrong season for jogging bare ass naked. Maybe he should reserve this type of activity for the warmer months. Just sayin’….

  5. What freaks me out even more is that there seems to be a silver face there in the gutter on the far side of that storm drain *shudder*

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