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The Mohunk

Nothing wrong with doing a little prep work before heading all the way into Walmart. With hair like that you know you’re bound to find yourself in a POW photoshoot soon!



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  1. Sometimes I gotta do up my crotch on the way into WalMart. I feel really embarrassed for the people that choose to stand there and state at a grown man blow drying his crotch in the WalMart lobby.

  2. Are you sure he’s not on his way out, and using his purchases? The bag looks to have other aerosol cans, and while it doesn’t appear to be from WM, maybe that one has a hair salon inside, and he bought the stuff there.

    And for fuck’s sake, will someone tell Revcontent to stop exploiting that poor woman with the genetic disorder that makes her look like a mummy!?!?!?!?!? One day one of those ads came up, and I moved my mouse so the X would come up to change it. I did that, and a second ad of her came up! I did the X thing again, and a THIRD ONE came up!!!! Thankfully, the saying “the third times the charm” held true, and I finally got a better ad. Then….the next day….another ad came up. I did the X again, and got a second ad. Fortunately, that was the last one. NOT COOL. I wish the ad with the pic featured here(lady sitting on cold case with black skirt and red shirt, and really high heels) would come up more often, or the ones with stewardesses.

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