I honestly have no clue what side of the aisle you fall on, but I can’t imagine they like the look you’re portraying on their behalf.
I honestly have no clue what side of the aisle you fall on, but I can’t imagine they like the look you’re portraying on their behalf.
Fucking retarded Trumpanzees.
That is a major disrepect to our flag but the pseudo-patriotic Trumpanzees are too fucking stupid to know that.
Same thing for the idiots in pickup trucks displaying the flag like they do.
Ignorant and disrespectful is the calling card of the Trumpanzee
Your mother should of aborted you, one less hateful person in the world.
Oh yes, another “patriot” defending disrupting the flag.
If the person in the photo was a black man, you would be frothing at the mount. Especially if it was a protest against criminal cops.
Here is another reminder that Trumpanzees are ignorant, stupid and pathetic rednecks.
Well done, moron.
Dammit! Spend time around low double digit IQ mongs and my spelling goes to shit. Disrespecting the flag, not disrupting.
Fuck you, Trumpanzees. You are the disease that America needs to shed to become truly great. A grerat nation has no need of low IQ degenerates.
What are you talking about?!?!
You hate the flag and this great country!
Fuck yourself, you terrorist piece of shit.
I complained that the numbnut in the picture is disrespecting the flag and you are fucktarded enough to say “You hate the flag and this great country!”???
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you Trumpanzees? You have not even the smallest bit of reading comprehension. What a fucking pathetic and sorry life you lead. You are truly a disease that is damaging our country.
You have no ability to think. No ability to improve yourselves, you are truly a waste of atoms.
How cute, a Nazi crying about being hated.
You guys are such soft, sensitive little snowflakes.
You triggered, snowflake?
Terrorist knotzees like you should be tried for your treason.
Trump 2020!!!
Maybe one day, when you learn to respect the flag and yourself people will give a shit what happens to you lowlife redneck Trumpanzees.
Who am I kidding, you are incapable of learning anything.
Oh look. The lead “Trumpanzee” is offended by the flag. We all know “Trumpanzee” loves King Donald. #trumptrain2020
Real Americans are offended by disrespecting the flag like the shitstain in the photo is doing.
Inbred, low-IQ, redneck Trumpanzees are offended by the idea that they should respect themselves enough to be able to read simple writing.
??? Literally you all are dumb as rocks. I’m fairly certain this guy is referring to the death penalty, something Trump supporters support. This guy is yours, libtards.
His sign says “Be pro life”, so this ‘tard is in your court.
He’s pro life, not a liberal that’s why he has all those little plastic bebes on him LOL
I don’t understand what the man in the picture is trying to say, and not one of you trash-talking folks are any help.
What are “pig-death voters”? And what on earth does he have draped all around him? Potatoes? Walnuts? Corks? Is he wearing a tinfoil hat? Or is he standing too close to the plastic signs?
Looks like small turds and dildos.
This man is clearly committed to saving those mini potatoes people eat with their fancy dinners i high end restaurants. Those potato nazi chefs are decimating the mini potato population. Instead of arguing, we need to acknowledge his devotion to the cause. Look – he’s even carrying some mini potatoes around on a rope on his body!
Fight potato slaughter! Save spud life!
Looks like he’s Anti-Choice, Pro-Nazi. I think we know what side of the aisle he sits on.