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Thanks COVID

This is what happens when sorority girls have to quarantine for a few months and they’ve got no reason to go through their normal tedious hygiene routine.



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    • That would b a hell fucking nope for me. I don’t care what u pretend to b. Other women r creepy enough. A man claiming to b a woman? Fuck that shit. Go brave it out in the men’s room bitch

    • Now really, how do you expect me to reply to a question like that? Do I look like a lady to you by any chance? You must be a pervert, go take a dive in Lake Michigan to cool your pants off =)

    • It must be mentally ill.
      Otherwise it would have fancied up a bit by shaving the legs and face and getting a better hair do. As it is, looks like it smells to high heaven.
      (Only in Walmart does every day look like Halloween)

  1. The top, middle, and bottom parts don’t seem to go together. The bottom part seems thicker than the middle, while the middle seems elongated — and then there’s the giant head.

  2. This dude is like a train wreck. It’s a horrible thing to look at, yet it’s so hard to take your eyes off it.

    Scorched Earth

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