
Smearing Poop

I used to work at Walmart as a cart pusher and I have seen plenty of dumb and crazy things but this by far was the best of the worst. One summer day a family with a young child came into the store. Upon going in the store to go to break I saw the child begging, and I should really say screaming for a toy. Well his parents weren’t having any of this and apparently said no. Because of the noise created by the screaming everyone on the front end was looking and got to see the child pull down his pants, and proceed to poop on the floor. On top of this the child then rubbed it; doggy dragging its butt style, about 10 feet across the floor. The parents took the child and left without a word. Management called for maintance who must have known, sure as hell they weren’t going to clean up poop. In the end they made some poor cashier clean up the poo, immediately afterword then girl quit.


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