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Sex You Up

Looks like our dear friend Plastic Sex Doll needed a new profile picture for whatever underground dark web fetish sex social media group she belongs to.



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  1. It’s a GUY. And we’re all sick and tired of seeing this freak on display. We get it, you have a homosexual fetish with him but why force us all to have to endure it?

    • Fun Fact: Homophobes like you, are in reality just closeted homosexuals.

      Embrace your inner gay, it is screaming to get out so much so that you are turning into a hateful goblin. Suck some dick, you will be a much happier, well-adjusted person.

      You are welcome.

      • There is no fact behind your nonesense you moron, but feel free to prove it. We’re sick and tired of having this sick degenerate homosexual forced down our throats here. Sorry if that upsets your gay agenda but that’s life. Go take your sick perversions back behind closed doors where they belong you degenerate.

        • Georgia Tech did a study with people who do not like gays. The vast majority of them got turned on when shown gay porn of the same sex as the study participant. This has been confirmed by numerous other studies.

          When you see a homophobe out ranting against it, you are witnessing a self-loathing closeted gay person.

          Deal with your gayness and go suck some cock and stop hating yourself so damn much.


          • The real idiot is the one who thinks that everyone who disagrees with this lifestyle must automatically be gay, it’s such an illogical and unproven response. I don’t hate myself, I hate trash like you who constantly think pushing your disgusting lifestyle into our faces is correct. Go take your pride march and your rainbow flag and shove it up your ass

          • Thou dost protest too much.

            It has been scientifically proven that you are most likely gay. You don’t need science, the way you screech about it proves you are a self-loathing homo.

            Deal with your anger and hatred.

          • Really? Because a quick check proves your supposed ‘scientific’ studies don’t exist, lmao. Your comments are laughably stupid, just like your accusations against me. you have nothing to base your nonsense upon but false studies and opinions.

          • That is because you are incapable of doing research, gay-boy.

            It is a common affliction among the Trumpazees.

            Yeah, you are a loathsome cretin but you would be slightly better if you would come out of the closet.

          • There is nothing to research. Your facts and figures don’t exist and Georgia Tech did no research paper that came to this conclusion. You’ve now been proven a liar who has to base his arguments on nothing valid. In short: You’re as big a joke in life as the freak in the photo.

          • Keep telling yourself that gay man.

            You really are incapable of searching academic research. Fucking Trumpanzees are so fucking pathetic and helpless.

            Seriously, go suck a cock. It is your fantasy. I am sure your brother will lend you the family microdick

          • Why are you still trying to defend a phony research paper from Georgia Tech? Are you really this desperate to try and win this argument? I find it utterly laughable that you’re so emotionally vacant that you think just because someone finds your lifestyle sick and repulsive that must mean they’re a closet homosexual, that’s the dumbest thing I’ve read. You seem like someone with no common sense. You’re an embarrassingly ignorant individual.

          • Why do you hate yourself so much that you resist what you are?

            You are a Trumpanzee and incapable of honesty, intelligence and basic searching.

            Even standard Google searches bring up a lot of relevant research, too bad you do not have the ability to read and comprehend that.

            I guess that is what fucking your sister causes, especially when you want to nail your brother.

          • I find it funny how you seem incapable of doing anything else in rebuttal to my comments than saying I’m gay, it’s hilarious. You seem like someone so intellectually devoid of common sense all you can do is chase your fat tail in a circle and hope. I already debunked your phony ‘research’ and yet you’re still here beating the same dead horse. Just move on and deal with the fact there are people out the in life who think your lifestyle is disgusting and deviant. No doubt your next stupid retort will be like the last, you call me gay, etc, What a pathetic dullard.

        • You’re a POS plain and simple. You can’t comprehend that LGBT+ people have lives outside of the bedroom. Don’t worry, moron. They don’t think about you as much as you obviously think about them with your extremely outdated 1950s thinking. You just look like an angry, irrational, garbage human ranting and raving about “degenerate lifestyles” in 2019. Get fucked.

        • This is why you animals get your asses kicked. This degenerate is a fine example of what is wrong with this nation, a man, supposedly, trying to pretend he’s a woman but he isn’t in reality but he demands we all follow is sick delusion and pretend he is, people like you that enable this mental illness are as warped and sick as he is and I hope you either come to your senses or end ith worth a gunshot to the cranium and do us all a favor.

          • Stop hating yourself and go suck a few cocks like you secretly want to.

            Self-hating homophobes have been scientifically proven to be homosexuals in the vast majority of cases.

          • More straight people get AIDS than gays.


            You can’t hide your love of the cock behind your anger. It just comes off as self-loathing and puts a spotlight on your gayness.

      • Fuck off and hit up 4chan, Reddit or wherever you Right Wing trolls go to have fun and spread negativity. I’m sure there’s some dank Trump meme with your name on it.

  2. Actually no, according to the WHO the majority of people who acquire HIV are gay males. Your weak attempt to portray me as gay are laughable. Gay people like you deserve to die in gas chambers.

    • Pieces of shit like you should stop breathing. There are good people with terminal diseases who won’t get to contribute to society any longer but Right Wing trash such as yourself continue to live giving the world nothing but hate and misery. Go fuck yourself.

  3. I wouldn’t give a shit what the piece of shit is fag, ugly woman or dog…. kill it with fire and be done with it. Geezuz

  4. I’ve seen trannies who looked so convincing, I’d swear they were a cis women if someone didn’t inform me otherwise.

    This dude is NOT one of them.

    Scorched Earth

    • There is literally no evidence that this person is Trans. Where the fuck are you even getting this from? One person starts and then it snowballs. It’s just an older woman with ridiculous implants.

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