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Self-Imposed Wedgie

Nice man thong. Looks like you’ve been following those Buns-of-Steel VHS tapes closely at home.

New Hampshire


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    • Gays are always Democrat. Showing your stupidity yet again lol. You must really be an immature child to keep up with the name calling and now resorting to putting someone else’s name in your post.

      • Self-loathing closeted gay dudes are always redneck Trumpanzees. There is more than one guy in Canada, you might not be aware of that being a moron.

      • Hey, thanks for recognizing that “…immature child’ comment as not being written by me, the real Canuckguy. I wish to complain that this site use to feature a proper system for ID’s. It disappeared for some reason. Pisses me off.

        • Also, even though they don’t let us display names, they track us by the name that you put in. If you put in a screen name, sometimes you can’t post your comment. You can try several times, but nothing. Change the screen name — even with the same e-mail — and it will go through. And I, too, knew that it wasn’t you posting that shit.

        • We can tell the difference between a well thought out comment and a trump bashing rant by an unemployed liberal homosexual gaped this wide:


          Trump will be the president for his full 8 year term.

          -Muhommad’s Pimp.

  1. Ya know that he’s gonna shove that bag down into his pants and then try leave the store — so that the loss control dudes can put their hands down his pants and “search” him.

    • It is okay that you have gay fantasies. Embrace your gay and climb out of the closet. You will feel better.

  2. He’ll be upset that the cashier isn’t asking for a dollar donation to the Freaky Freaks and Liberals of America.

  3. You triggered Trumpanzees are fucking sad and hilarious.

    You are good comedy for the 65% of the population that has a functioning brain and brains.

    The 35% are going to get shoved back in their hole where they fucking belong.

  4. “These coral shorts are a signal flare to the other anti-Trumpers that I like getting pounded in the ass. That should help me cope with HRC losing.”

  5. As Princess stares at the charcoal, thinking “I wish that I had a real man around to help me with grilling. And fucking me like a cheap whore.”

  6. On the back of his Prius, there is a bumper sticker that reads: “I suck cock, and I vote, and I support people who support me sucking cock. I also support terrorism, and spending this country into an unrecoverable financial disaster so that they can continue to support me sucking cock. I really love sucking cock, though, and low prices.”

      • Oh, no, I didn’t mention anything about your hobbies. I’m sure that you’ve sucked off a few dogs in your time, too.

        • You think about sucking cock.

          You have fantasies about sucking cock.

          They are strong enough that you share your fantasies about sucking cock.

          Being a self-loather is no fun, come out of the closet!

          • Not everyone wants to be in a Pride Parade ️‍ like you do.. Did your folks push you into being gay, or was it the counselor — after “the incident” …

          • Of course you do not, you are hidden in the closet.

            Pro-tip: You are gay whether you admit it or not. Your love of posting about sucking cock is proof. Acceptance goes a long way.

            I am not gay, but I am not a homophobe either.

            It is scientifically proven that most of you homophobes are closeted gay people. Deal with it.

  7. Can’t Reply directly, so we’ll try this way. Although I’m not gay, I’m not a homophobe. I also don’t like see whores on here, either. Nor do I find people dressing like dogs to be normal. Entertaining, maybe — but none of this shit is normal. The gay people that I know — and I actually know a lot — all act normal. None of that “pride parade” shit, none of this dress-like-a-freak shit.

    • Don’t get me wrong, I am not making fun of you for being gay. I sincerely want you to be happy and no one is happy hiding in a closet. You can’t say you are not a homophobe and then start sperging about gay people out of the closet, it just announces your self-loathing gay status even louder and that is so sad.

      Please stop hating yourself.

  8. What’s with all of you using Canuckguy’s sig? I know who is who.

    Back on topic: I guess Jim Parsons wasn’t the only BBT actor in the closet.

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