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Say Hello To My Little Friend

Can you even think of another place on Earth besides a Walmart where not only would there be a raccoon hanging out with a guy but a mother not thinking twice about letting her kid go up to said strange raccoon to say hello?



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      • Fucking gross. She is obviously a meth-addled, inbred, bucktooth, third-grade-dropout trailer-dweller.

        Have some pride and standards? WTF is wrong with you inbred trailer-trash pieces of shit?

        oh yeah

        No class, no brains, no hope and no future and you retards are proud of it.


        • You might wanna stop surfin’ those In-Cel websites, my friend. Your man-cherry ain’t gonna get popped with anything you read from there. Just sayin’.

          Scorched Earth

          • Wading in the very shallow end of the gene pool is not a good thing.

            Good thing all you lowlifes think the ‘rona is fake news, the gene pool needs a good cleansing.

            It will be sad that there will be far fewer pictures of worthless scum on this site but a better society is a low price to pay.

          • I have seen better teeth on horses than that lady. I guess she is right up your alley, since you are an ass.

  1. Mom just wants to fuck the racoon guy – so daughter can play with the racoon while mom and the guy go to the Walmart toilet to fuck!

  2. It is my understanding that Walmart store policy allows service animals in their stores.
    Do emotional support critters count as a ‘service’ animal?
    And awww, that racoon is cute as is the scene. And Mama, that smile, that mouth!

  3. It should be painfully obvious, but that woman is not the mother. She’s with Rocky Raccoon. That’s why Rocky and his handler are between her and the child, and you can see a hand on the cart that the child is standing next to.

        • WTF is wrong with you low class trailer trash?

          If this is cute, you are hopeless lost in cheap nasty American ‘beer’ and meth.


          • *hopelessly


            Just being in virtual proximity to you idiots bring down my spelling abilities.

            You trailer trash are a cancer.

          • Oh crap, this idiot(under a different name-‘lol’) is back again. You’re such a brain-damaged wack-job. And tiresome too boot.

          • 1. I have always used this name moron

            2. So sorry you get ass mad that people point and laugh at you trailer-trash, inbred, no-educations losers.

            The fact you get mad instead of try to improve your pathetic life is the jizz on the shit cake that are you low lives.

            Too stupid to understand how worthless and pathetic and too lazy to do anything about it. Enjoy the trailer trash, meth, diseased fat chicks and shit beer.

          • Shitfuck!

            I was laughing so hard at your dumb ass, my grammar suffered but you dumb asses wouldn’t notice since you flunked the third grade.

  4. “Besides” is not a word. It’s “beside”, which also would not make sense, since your question is not referring to other places on earth that could only be directly next door to Walmarts. It would only make sense to say “aside from Walmarts”.

  5. Special ED is back and off his meds again. AKA LOL the village idiot on the people of walmart board. How did you get out of the mental institute this time? You will be back in it when Trump wins a second term….LOL

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