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Roll Tide

Looks like people in Alabama would really give their leg for tickets to a football game. Roll tide.



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    • Thhat inner tube shes wearing around the middle kept the tattoo artist from getting any closer todo better tattooing. Plus the needles couldnt pennetrate her alligator like skin..

  1. If this female and I were the last two people on Earth, we would truly be the last two people on Earth.

    Scorched Earth

      • Trust me, I live in Alabama…. she is not the norm of the population. That’s some serious trailer trash right there, and I have seen worse, much worse when we have traveled up north. The south does not have the monopoly on redneck trash I assure you.

  2. she’s definitely poor i mean look at her disgusting clothes she’s taking up good taxpayer dollars to pay for her stupid disability checks

  3. you guys we know nothing about this woman- please stop insulting her it is disgusting. We know literally nothing about her personal life and what struggles she has experienced. For god’s sake, some of you are trying to insult the prosthetic THAT IS SOMETHING SHE CANNOT CONTROL. insulting her weight is not cool either- what if she has diabetes? please think before you comment.

  4. The only rolls she is associated with is the ones on her body and that one time she tried to run a marathon she fell, rolled, and won when she knocked everyone off their feet.

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