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Post Malone is 100% that annoying white rapper kid that smells like weed at your first job, typically stocking shelves or washing dishes, who swears he’s gonna make it big in rap game and nobody believes him. He’s also the first ever to actually do it.



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  1. People who open carry are cowardly microdick Trumpanzees.

    If they had to pull it out they would shit themselves, lose the gun to their attacker and like 99% of the cases get killed by their own gun.

    • I am not an OCer, as I prefer CC. That being said, though, most people are NOT killed with their own guns. I don’t want to see it mandated, but I would prefer to see more folks getting some additional training, I do tend to see new OCers just using “any ol’ holster” — and that just doesn’t work when you have an exposed weapon.

      As far as micro-dicks, I see a lot of them in their giant trucks or SUVs, or with their pit bulls, or any number of the other configurations that they tend to come in, also.

        • In the words of your lord and savior, Donald Trump, you are “WRONG!!!!” A gun owner is NOT more likely to be killed by his own gun. I’m sure you’d say something to him about his gun, but your too busy beating your meat to Mommies Victorias Secret. #trumptrain2020

    • Why don’t you start something with one of them? Oh, that’s right. You’re a pussy who will get his ass kicked, or you’ll end up like your hero Travon.

  2. The Walmart woman has a tactical radio on her hip – maybe the store is concerned about the ‘open carry’………..
    However, she does have a nice shirt full of tits and the rest of her looks ok too. She would be a grand ride for a week or two and then send her home.
    Only one question – why is she on her toes…. I think she should be on her knees……. Just thinkin’ out loud!

  3. I’m surprised you can even post, what with your mouth locked on Soetoro’s knob, swallowin’ the choomer…

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