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Overly Prepared

Hazmat suit or not, Walmart is the last place I’m going if I’m trying to avoid Coronavirus. How many times did I warn all you Outbreak was going to happen? Hate being right.



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  1. All kidding aside, people are losing their minds over what is a cold. Yes, a person could die from it. People die from the freaking flu. You don’t see people losing their minds during flu season??? If this was embola, that was loose. I would be worried, a corona virus is a cold virus. Your not going to bleed from every orfice like embola

    • So, you believe that possibly dying from this sickness, or possibly infecting and then killing someone else with a compromised immune system — is less severe than dying from or imparting a death sentence on someone else?

    • Which is it? A cold or flu? They are two different things you mong.

      You ignorant fucksticks stupidity is almost unbelievable. You are why America is in decline.

      Did you have to work to be this stupid or was it your parents that passed on the stupid gene, who are clearly brother and sister?

    • You say so little, but make so many mistakes. I’m guessing that there weren’t a lot of seats on your school bus.

    • Nothing that you said is correct. The coronavirus outbreak is not a “cold”. The common cold is caused by rhinovirus, not coronavirus. The COVID-19 coronavirus strain is closely related to the strains responsible for the SARS and MERS outbreaks in recent years past. Also: ebola not embola.

    • Are you really that goddamn dumb?

      People are dying every minute because of american stupidity, there are way too many morons that still believe that the virus is not really that deadly and not easily transmitted from person to person.

      Do you watch Fox News much? It appears that you do watch way too much of it and you are getting dumber by t’he minute, you need to find a better source for your news and medical information. When Stupid, Ignorant and Arrogant people stick their heads in the sand, then they are just making my life far more difficult and unsafe instead of doing what is logical and making intelligent decisions only after careful thought has been applied to each and every situation that you place yourself and others into each & every day. In other words… STOP following the advice from the orange baboon and his army of clueless ass lickers!

    • Hey, it’s not his fault that he’s a fucktard. I assume that his patents were massive drug addicts, and he has spent an entire life of trying to drink away the shame.

  2. What a fucking moron, although that hardly stands out in Walmart.

    This is the same sort of idiocy that causes people to buy 12 months of shit paper and useless-against-a-virus antibacterial soap(probably the first time in these filthy losers lives that they have bought soap) in one shot.

    Pro-tip: Buying way more than you need mean less for everyone which endangers everyone and besides, you trailer park trash are not really worth saving since you have helped destroy America.

    Giving into panic + low IQ = danger to everyone and you morons are too stupid and cowardly to understand it.

  3. Please have your employees wear n-95 or similar masks and gloves when they work
    Especially grocery pickers for online pick ups.

    We are in a national emergency MANAGEMENT
    This is no joke. It’s extremely serious.

    Do not let anyone work without proper gear.

    Very concerned citizen

  4. “It’s just a cold.” Yep, every day, hundreds or thousands of people are hospitalized or die from the common cold.
    “You don’t have to go to the store now, because they’ll be open later.” What if they’re not? Or, what if you’re so fucking sick, that you can barely walk? Should you, or can you, go to the store then?
    “The National Guard will bring us food and supplies.“ Shut up, Bernie.

    Self-sufficiency — something that is absent in today’s society.

  5. A hazmat suit not only keeps bad stuff out, but also keeps the bad stuff in as well. We’re talking about a Walmartian here

    Scorched Earth

  6. That outfit won’t even help. It may even make it worse for those at this person’s home.
    It would only be effective if this person stripped and threw out the garb, showered and disinfected before getting back into his car. At ER or anywhere in the hospital to combat this you change equipment for every encounter, not just every patient.
    So if he or she is exposed, then it’s on that clothing and no doubt he or she will touch it and if reusing it, then that’s Darwinism.

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