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Muscle Milk Man

Pretty sure my man just sat on a tub of whey and uses his cheeks to pop that can like Popeye does spinach right into his protein hole.



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  1. I’m undecided on this product. I’m also undecided on Pete or Joe. I mean, Pete is cute and all that, but Joe could be up for fondling me. Decisions, decisions.

  2. At least this fucking redneck has come out of the closet unlike all the cock-lovers that whine in the comments section.

  3. You Trumpanzees don’t recognize good man-as when you see it. Mmmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmmm — to be balls-deep in that pooper. Shaved legs, tight ass. It’s like a Beto cupcake.

    • That is the funniest thing about you Trumpanzees.

      You don’t have any self-awareness so project constantly.

      It is okay, you can clean the shit off your dick when you fuck your sister

  4. I see special Ed has returned from the primordial soup he resides in. To welcome him back I wrote this for him. Special Ed rolls his shit into little balls. Then he proceeds to eat the balls of shit.

    • Sorry that you missed me but I went to Eastern Europe with my lady to visit with her family.

      A real lady: kind, intelligent, funny, sexy, gorgeous and with no blobs of fat hanging off her and of course dresses classy

      The opposite of redneck, trailer-trash and other assorted white-trash women.

      • p.s. If you put in the effort to educate yourself and get useful skills you could travel the world a few times a year also. But you are lazy and not-so-bright, so enjoy hanging out behind your trailer drinking cheap beer and farting.

      • Just so you will know to miss me again, I am going on vacation again today through most of next week.

        That is what happens when a person gets a good education, works hard, invests wisely and retires young.

        Enjoy your day flipping burgers or digging ditches or whatever useless thing you managed to do.

        • Mom took away your internet from watching gay porn. Shame on you, see you when your time out is over special ED. Must suck living in the basement. I don’t judge, your Mom must. It must be very sad for you. Enjoy your “vacation”………..? It won’t be long and Mom will let you back on the internet

      • I’m sad to hear that your Mom took away your computer in the basement again. When are you going to learn not to watch beastiality porn. When Mom lets you go back to the basement and on your computer. Please stay away from that, I miss your words of wisdom on how to be a total ass wipe. I really miss how learning not to be like you, Special Ed

    • @July 29,2019 at 7.32 pm
      Yup, there is a very annoying troll that has squatted here ruining it for the others. I wish the administrator would take action to clean that debris out. I think it is just one ‘wanker’ who is verbally vomiting forth all the time.

  5. There is no way this is a redneck or white-trash.

    Those types of degenerate dudes are either fat-as-shit or skinny-fat. They don’t have the discipline to build any sort of muscle mass. Sure, he is low class but at least he has some drive to self-improvement.

    You snowflakes crying about these posts can get bent. You just get all buttmad when people point out the fact that you are low-IQ deviants and a stain on the country.

    • Real men don’t need supplements to have muscles. We are naturally ripped. Sissy democrats, on the other hand, are hard to tell if they are male or female…and they’re proud of it!

      • Thanks to Zeus that rednecks, trailer-trash and other assorted white-trash are not “real” men, but ignorant children living off the evil liberal states.

        Ripped does not mean 18 months pregnant you fatassed, inbred degenerate.

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