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Murder Have I Done

Sad to report that truck has never been able to leave that spot…cause the guy just can’t pull out.



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  1. The really funny part of all of this is you know the guy who drives that truck is one of those jackwads who laughs at photos of dead bodies in the Rio Grande and who always has a dozen excuses ready when a cop shoots an unarmed black man.

      • Why is it that you uneducated hypocrites don’t give a flying fuck what happens to them after they are born?

        I am against abortion, it should be completely unnecessary in a rational society that pushes for easy access to birth control and education. It is also wrong, I will not associate with you “pro-life” hypocrites because you are all embarrassingly stupid and myopic.

      • The part is that states like Alabama that do not allow much sex ed and teach abstinence only have the highest teen and single young adult pregnancy birth rates in the country.

        As always, these states filled with inbred deviants are the problem.

          • If you can see the nesting of the posts, lol is not responding to himself; he’s just adding to the first post he made. That makes you the pathetic pedophile.

  2. Error in judgment to include this on the People of Walmart website.

    There’s NOTHING whatever comical about slaughtering totally innocent, utterly helpless infants.

    Unless, of course, you’ve got a deep fetish for the Einsatzgruppen.

    • You really don’t get it do you?

      This site was created to make fun of inbred degenerates like you.

      It is the sole reason for existing. If you and your low-class ilk were not such epically stupid spergs, this site would not exist.

      • No, jag-off. That’s not the purpose.

        This site exists to reflect the rapid decay in American society – in behavior and intelligence.

        And, as a bonus, evidenced by your – REALLY – pathetic response – how some people can count up to potato and feel tough bragging about it.

  3. Interesting reference to Einsatzgruppen, sounds like a Nazi thing. Wonder if the world
    would not have been better off if Hitler’s mother had gone ahead with her abortion or
    if Ted Bundy’s mother had gotten an abortion? Not every conception ends up with a
    good human being. Just sayin’.

    • The moron using Nazi terms thinks Hitler was a great guy who performed a great public service.

      You see, they are stone-cold racists and they also don’t give a fuck what happens after birth.

      In other words, useless hypocrits.

      • No. No he doesn’t.

        Read it again – s l o w l y – and sound out each word.

        Better yet, have a six-year old explain it to you.

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