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Master Splinter

If they do a full on live-action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I think we’ve got Master Splinter cast. That’s a power rat-tail you can’t overlook.



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    • Serious case of Trump derangement syndrome. There is medication for that, go see a shrink. Maybe one can help you out

      • He saw dr. Dr say he just a dumbfuck. That’s why he vote looney liberal and hate merica and all things capitalistic and Christians. But he love muhammad and the Muslims. Too bad he dick too small to fuck himself in ass. Or any one in ass. So he mad at trump now

    • Aww…you poor baby!
      What are you going to do for the next six TRUMP years?
      Then we have 8 years of Don Jr. as president!

    • Anyone that resorts to name calling and filth to make a point. Is not making any logical statements.
      There is no talking points in the statement or proof of the statement. It’s just running the mouth without the brain engaged

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