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Leute Von Walmart

How do you say ‘People Of Walmart’ in German? I don’t know the language….’cause we won those wars.



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  1. Dutch and German sound somewhat the same to the untrained ear.
    Must have been a beer sale at a very good price or she is running a bootleg operation.

  2. “Leute im Walmart” would be more accurate but “Walmart-Menschen” would be the best fit in German I think. And yes, it’s the Netherlands showing awesome mom skills.

  3. This isn`t USA or Walmart, this is a picture somewhere in the Netherlands,
    maybe in Bergen aan Zee or somewhere close to Maastricht.

  4. English is just a dumbed down version of German, just like Dutch is.
    And: If the war was over our country wouldn’t be occupied by your terrorist army.

  5. I can confirm it’s Dutch. And Grolsch is a quite palatable pilsener, unlike that horse piss, Heineken. Also, like in Germany, there’s absolutely no Walmart in the Netherlands. The Dutch grocery store in question is called PLUS Supermarkt. It’s unlikely to be in Maastricht, though. The people in the picture are too tall and too blonde. PLUS has the most ridiculous ‘self scan/quick pay’ system ever, designed by three-armed aliens.

  6. ‘People of Walmart’ would be ‘Pöbel von Walmarkt’ in German. But the picture was taken in the Netherlands, so that would be ‘gepeupel van Walmart’.

  7. Looks like there is going to be fun had somewhere. Perhaps a baby sitter to hold the baby instead of the baby sitting on the beer would be a positive start to a good party.

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