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Lack of Effort

Let’s play a game folks. It’s like Where’s Waldo, except you’re not looking for a little man in a striped shirt, you just have to find me one thing she managed to get right today.



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  1. Pretty disgusting and also the mask is totally ineffective – you have to cover your nose, idiot, otherwise you are breathing in anything and everything that is in the air! I don’t know what people think who don’t seem to understand that your nose is connected to your airway.

  2. When I see this I think of that newspaper clipping where the woman said she likes Dollar General because she doesn’t have to get all dressed up like she does for Walmart. This is dressed up for her.

  3. Walmart greeter: Excuse me ma’am. You need a face covering
    Woman: pulls off panties, places on face
    Walmart greeter: sofly crying and regretting their life choices

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