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Lab Rat

Took me a minute to realize your fur coat has f*cking eyes! Get our of here with that disease-filled thing man.



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  1. It is against health regulations all over the country to bring rodents into places that sell or serve food. I guess since Walmart is full of poor, oppressed WIC card holders they aren’t allowed to refuse entry to them.

  2. ok I would go up and kill this man and his pet rat because anyone that decides to bring a nasty ass rodent into a place full of food needs to be retaught to live.

  3. It’s a PET Lab rat. A PET, OK? A lab rat is to a wild rat what a dog is to a wolf or,
    better, a jackal or hyena. They are a LOT like dogs — pack animals with a tremendous
    sense of devotion and loyalty. Don’t make judgments about things you OBVIOUSLY know
    nothing about.

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