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King of Displays

Me rolling back into work today after my 3 day long American-fueled weekend.



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    • That is 2 weeks salary, you sure that your waste that much money so you can pretend you do not have a microdick?

      • I normally get my thrills thinking about all of the times that I did ass-to-mouth with your mother. Most decent women clean out with an enema first — but not your momma! Dirty, dirty girl ….

  1. Fucking pathetic on any day, much less Memorial Day.

    Pseudo-patriotic and overcompensation. That is walmart and its customers in a nutshell

  2. I can’t believe people actually drink this swill. Wait a second, I can believe it as Trumpanzees actually like this nasty bullshit.

    Pro-tip: There is not one mass produced beer in the US that is any good. Very few world wide but there are some outside the US.

    Stop buying low quality shit, the sooner companies like Anheuser Busch, Coors, etc and Walmart cease to exist the better for everyone, even you low IQ mongs.

    • Luckily these big “breweries” pretty much only make pilsners, yes they do it badly but pilsners are low quality to begin with.

      A nice wheat or red ale is where it is at and this terrible companies can make it thankfully.

      • typos: …”these terrible companies can not make it”…

        Even looking at pictures of the uneducated makes my spelling worse LOL

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