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Inside Out

They do say it’s inside underneath that counts. That actually still doesn’t help you but to be fair I’m grasping at straws here for you and you’re decision making.



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  1. I stil ain’t happy dat dey made OSavior leave da White’s House. He had brought peace, love, understanding, prosperity, balanced the budget, wuz gonna get me my reparations, rewrote history, lied to us, and all kinds of other shit that I can’t even list. He really screwed Bill Cosby over, though. Well, I gots to get on my way — I have to listen to the oppressive racist Democrats tells me that I needs to vote for them, and keep beholding myself to their gub-ment hands outs — instead of just realizing that they are fucking lying to me.

        • lol is the guy that is posting all the “redneck” and “Trumpanzee” stuff.

          He can’t tell the difference between rednecks and white trash. Rednecks would not do that poor imitation of the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man above, while white trash would be more apt to.

          • All rednecks are white trash but not all white trash are rednecks.

            They live in the same sewer though, so you are just being pointlessly pedantic.

          • This is a reply to the below post, since the site won’t let me directly reply.

            Not all rednecks are white trash. A friend of mine was going to post a redneck vs white trash comparison somewhere many years ago, but didn’t get around to it.

  2. I bet that hand is going to leave there sweaty and stinky.

    I would say that “now she is going to touch the produce”, but I don’t think fruit and veggies are on her menu.

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