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Holy Sheet

I don’t mean to toss around accusations, but it appears your skirt isn’t even really a skirt sir. Looks like a bedsheet you stole from a hospital if I had to guess.



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  1. Normally those little holes in Crocs is where your dignity leaks out, in this case I don’t think it had a chance to get that far.

  2. Either the guy shit his bed, and he needs the hose to spray it off, or, that’s Nemesis trying to proposition the non-light WM worker for some kinkiness.

    OR, the guy says some thing like this:
    “I need to exchange this for a Fleet enema kit. It didn’t work like it did on YouTube.”

  3. That is actually called a ‘dhoti’ or ‘lungi’ n is traditional wear for south Asian men, especially South Indians. It can be causal as in his case, or made for fancy occasions. However, that guy is not Indian. He is clearly white. I will say though – good for u (even though you picked a very bad place to showcase ur creative vein). I’m sick of seeing western culture women trying to wear saris, lahenga choli n salwar kameez sets n trying to impress eastern cultured men into romancing them. With that being said, I truly AM curious to know what this guy’s deal is. He has GOT to have ONE hell of an interesting story to tell, and obviously isn’t your everyday let me take pics of me in eastern culture fashions to show off for praise in fscebook/twitter/Instagram/etc. types. I would seriously come up to him and want to genuinely know what made him wear a dhoti/lungi. I’d probably walk away impressed….unless he was in s cult.

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