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Hollaback Girl

Is the Gwen Stefani circa 1995 look coming back?



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  1. She normally looks like a People of Walmart because she is one of the most popular cosplayers around. Jenna Say What!

  2. That Harley Quinn on point. How the OP too stupid to not know this ain’t some people of Walmart shit?

    Coaplayer – Jenna Say What!

  3. Yo! That’s Jsw! Holy crap! Where was this!? I want to say hey to her so freaking bad. She is famous bro.

  4. Holy ape-balls! That’s famous cosplayer Jenna Say What! And her faithful manservant Sergei! But there’s no way that SHE shops at Wal-Mart!

  5. that’s jenna say what and she is famous and awesome to know. she rocks at least give her credit up here

  6. LOL that’s Jenna Say What, she’s a pretty well known cosplayer who does tons of different variations of Harley Quinn, among other characters. She’s even reproduced most of the outfits Harley wears in the new Birds of Prey movie that just finished filming. She took blurry photos taken by paparazzi of Margot Robbie on set then made each damn outfit, popping each of them out withing a few days of the photos hitting the news. It was so crazy, she was making them as the movie was being filmed and the producers and other people on the movie took notice of her work on social media and starting promoting her. She’s pretty boss and if I looked like her Harley I’d dress like that every day and go to Walmart and everywhere else.

  7. OH FUCK.. I didn’t realize that Jenna Say What stopped at Walmart to mingle with us common folk. You know it’s saying something when the wait times in the check out lines at Walmart are shorter than her autograph lines!!

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