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Finish Him

She looks like a character you can pick in a Walmart Mortal Kombat video game.



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    • Well at least she is wearing a mask so you won’t have to put a bag over her head. And for further facial avoidance, do her doggie style. (You’re welcome)

        • How come(for a while now), the commentator names are not displayed? BTW, I am not the one who questioned your standards.

          • It as to be at least a year, and maybe even closer to two years, since they did away with the name thing. It’s such a high end site, maybe they didn’t wanna sully it by having our names on here.

          • @June 26,2020 at 11:20
            Yeah, right,’high end’ That’s funny considering that the names are not real.

          • Actually the names are there, they are just the same color as the background. If you highlight the conversation by dragging your mouse, or just hit CTL-A to highlight the entire page you can see the names.

  1. If you guys think this girl is fat you have issues. It must freak you all out to go into sexy stores if you even do. Sheesh. Grow up guys, building up bad karma for no real reason. Damn.

  2. Thick thighs, fat butt and a 7 pound tit on each side of my face would be as close to heaven as I will ever get!

  3. Those stockings are exploding from being stretched out so much. But that happens when you’re a prostitute and take them off and put them on 20-30 times a day.

  4. She’s on here why? because you are a bunch of basic boring bitches and she’s alternative? this isn’t even interesting or funny or even true name one mortal combat character she is dressed as? Stupid post.

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