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Feelin’ The Breeze

Don’t look now, but summer time is crackin’ its way through.



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  1. Wearing pants too small. Rear end fat showing. Crack showing. What a disgusting human being.

    At least he isn’t sporting a thong (unless it got eaten)

      • Wait until after the election in 2020. I’m going to grab some pop corn and watch a huge liberal whine ass repeat of 2016. This one will be epic, more heads will explode. Then more holly werid “entertainers” will be moving out of the USA again. Then lie like hell and stay in the USA. Whine about globull warming. While living a 10,000 sq foot mansion, taking private jets all over the world. Telling us the “little” people We need to use less. Screw libs

    • I always heard it said that the ONE this a person harps on over and over and over is the ONE thing they secretly want to do or are guilty of doing. Snuggle up, buttercup.

  2. The Jayhawk on the wall would put this pic in Kansas.

    A blast from that guy’s ass would put the pic taker in Missouri.

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