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F Trump People

Did Donald Trump personally do all that damage to your Honda or do you just live in a Red state and they don’t take too kindly to those words? Also, considering option 3 – you’re really bad at putting signs on your car and screwed up many many times before you perfected it like this.



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  1. Now I’m sorry I wasn’t in that parking lot. I have a fresh can of black paint in my trunk. It would so pretty poured ALL OVER that white Civic!

    • nah, just soap the windshield. Harmless, cleans off easy and you know there isn’t anything in the windshield washer reservoir of this car.

  2. This is people of walmart, right? I’m really surprised to see something like this from walmart clientele. Walmart just has to be pumping in massive quantities of stupid gas into their stores to get people to act like they do. After consuming the stupid gas, you’d be very tempted to sample Trump’s koolaid too.

    • So you are staring at proof that anti-Trumpers are idiots as well and you twist it in your mind to blame Trump? I am willing to bet that most of the welfare clientele of Walmart of democrats.

      No, I am not a Trump supporter, I hate them all.

  3. Did Walmart start building SuperCenters is right next door to houses? I don’t think so. This is probably the parking lot of a section 8 rathole that one of DementiaJoe’s supporters lives in.

  4. I want to see Trump win just to watch people like this go totally lose their F’ing minds.

    Of course the downside is four more years of Trump… but it would be entertaining for a few days.

    • In 2016, I got perverted pleasure from watching Hilary’s Femi-Nazi and sissy-boy supporters cry. But like you said: the pleasure only lasts a few days.

      Scorched Earth

      • Clearly you are an idiot for division, violence, higher taxes, communism, sexual assault on Women, racism, pedophilia, Dirty Business Dealings with Ukraine, China and Russia and the entire left philosophy. There are only 3 types of people who will vote for Joe Bidden 1.)People who are easily fooled when lied to 2.)Stupid People 3.)Evil People. Period!!!!!!

        • the irony in this reply is ASTOUNDING. you legit described everything that applies to Trump. I’m honestly in awe of how far your head is up your ass.

          • The sad part is you are both so much alike. You think your side is great, and the other side is evil. You think all the problems are because of the other candidate and the other candidate’s supporters.

            There is no difference. The lesser of two evils is still evil.

  5. It’s amazing how serious TDS has become. These people need help, major help. I know a lot are lost causes, but some may be able to be cured – if they have more than a couple of brain cells left.

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