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Criss Cross

All crossed up like that, can’t ever trust what this person is saying.



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  1. Ouch! That has to suck.

    My sister is a professional ballerina and even her toes aren’t as fucked up as this.

    What happened to this guy is probably the cheap beer and meth.

  2. This is a condition called “Hammer Toe” and is most prevalent in adults that were forced as a child
    during the growing years, to wear shoes that were “hand me downs.” As their parents were too poor
    to buy new shoes for their children as they should have. It’s a sad thing to see and not be laughed at!

  3. My husband has an hereditary condition that causes his feet to be badly misshapen. There is no way he could ever get his poor feet into regular shoes.

    Some of you have the right idea – this person cannot get those toes into anything but sandals, and you can see that the ones he has on are beginning to pull apart. (Imagine what it must be to wear them in the winter!) Either he cannot afford surgery or isn’t really aware that it is available. If this person lives in a state that has refused to implement the ACA (ObamaCare) there’s no way that poor soul will ever be able to have decent feet.

    BTW, the two toes in the middle are hammertoes.

  4. What I meant to say, and got side tracked, is that the shoes my husband wears are molded to his foot, and cost $400 a pair. Yes, four-hundred-dollars! AND, they are not covered by Medicare. This poor person – male or female – is up the well-known tributary without a paddle.

  5. I haven’t seen toes that bad since Lost Boys where the vampires were hanging upside down, using their bat like talons while they slept.

  6. Its hammer toes combined with bunions, my wife had toes like that until surgery, she inherited it from her mom, but her two sisters lucked out and were ok

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