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Cloud of Smoke

There isn’t enough space on the internet to house my entire rant on vaping. I just can’t figure out which is dumber, the fact they somehow think it’s healthier than actually smoking or the fact there are people out there who thinks it looks cool and do vape tricks. Honestly, just go eat Tide Pods. I find that makes more sense than vaping.



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  1. Have you done any research on vaping? Had you done some, you wouldn’t have sounded like an ignorant idiot. Rant away all you want, but you’ll just sound like a fool.

  2. There was just something that was going to be on the news about negative health effects of vaping.

    I don’t think the caption person/site owner was calling out people who are actually using it for its original intended purpose of helping people quit smoking. He/she/it was more likely going off on the culture that has surrounded recreational vaping and/or its appropriation by douchebags.

  3. No sabes nada sobre vaping. Es CLARAMENTE más importante que fumar cigarrillos, que contienen TAR. El jugo de vape solo contiene la mayoría de glicerina vegetal, propilenglicol, aromatizantes y A VECES nicotina. IDIOTA.

  4. Literally an idiot. Vaping was not invented as a way to quit smoking either. It’s an alternative. You really think the people who came up with the concept intended for people to stop buying the product. You’re all idiots. God this world is swarming with ignorant people propagating ignorance.

  5. I have more air, can breath easier and it does not affect my wife’s astma. Also, avoid cheap chinese vape kits, buy at a local shop.

  6. I dont see EXCERISE on that shirt…?

    Vaping is significantly new and I’m sure there will be a lot of illnesses linked to it. There is already second-hand smoke from it…

  7. “Vaping is significantly new and I’m sure there will be a lot of illnesses linked to it.” You’re sure of it, huh. Based on all the research you’ve done, or just a hunch?

    “There is already second-hand smoke from it…” How can there be second hand smoke from it when there is no first hand smoke from it. It is literally water vapor.

    Please do some research before you open your mouth and make a fool of yourself.

  8. I think he’s vaping weed. Hence the green font on the word ‘vape’. Vaporizing is an efficient method of smoking weed.

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