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Chocolate Ice Cream Cone

Freezer section is one bold choice to stand by dressed like that my man.



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  1. This Buttigieg but boy probably sticks his pecker in the cottage cheese, which is why I don’t buy anything that doesn’t come with an intact security seal.

  2. Buttigieg is more of a man than you and your tired, sagging, lard ass ever will be. And you dream of this dude flexing his gorgeous buttocks as he slams it into you from behind.

    Come out, you silly, self-loathing queer.

  3. A pic of a pantsless dude in the freezer section somehow inspires another internet political slap fight. Bless your heart, ‘Murica.

  4. Good lord, have we come to the place in our history where we can’t even make fun of our trashy fellow citizens without attacking one another’s political views?

  5. the comments, why.
    oh my god how does this even have to do with trump.

    honestly the election sucks and both candidates suck. I’ve given up on this country.

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