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Chicken Flavor

Who the hell wants a Ramen Noodle scented candle? Are people actively searching for traumatic college flashbacks? Holy moly. Change your name to Shittier Homes & Gardens if this is what your product team came up with.



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    • “Made in the USA” is a mark of shit. Outside of Teslas is there anything, at any price that is made in the US that is not utter crap?

      Even generic Chinese shit is typically better than made in US bullshit.

        • Triggered comes naturally for Trumpanzees.

          If American companies want my business they need to produce quality again.

          What the fuck do you know about quality? You shop at Walmart – which is 99% imports anyway.

  1. How sad, what is even sadder is that there are lots of this shit in trailer parks.

    I thought it was terrible that people ate that bullshit – there is much healthier cheap food – but to want your trailer to smell like that? Fucking disgusting!

    More proof that America is fucked.

    • before production this guy would have been fired… “Hey guys we should make a ramen scented…

      Boss: NO, YOU’RE FIRED!”

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