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If you think I’m letting a little Coronavirus get in the way of booty-season flex, you’re ridiculously mistaken.



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  1. That one looks like she’s wearing some kind of lifting rig. Like any second, they’re going to strap her up, and the crane is going to lift her up to the 40th floor. At least she has her ice cream for the ride.

  2. Someone should tell her that the face mask is supposed to cover the nose and mouth – NOT her backside.

  3. It isn’t walmart. This image was stolen from a twitter post. The original poster did not make any references to walmart.

        • SE I heard he passed away, he was smothered by one of his fat chicks. He went the way he wanted to always go…RIP Nemesis. Popernator must of drowned in Lake Michigan swimming after good lunch. Where is Mort when you need the eye bleach. Ah the good ole days on POWM

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