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Blood Stained Men

Wait, who’s taking a vote on this? Pretty sure for most of us that decision was already made for us and I for one appreciate not having to chose between a sharp object near my junk and having an anteater.

North Carolina


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  1. The foreskin has two main functions. Firstly it exists to protect the glans [head] penis. Secondly the foreskin is a primary sensory part of the penis, containing some of the most sensitive areas of the penis.” – The Royal Australasian College of Physicians

    Fully retracting the foreskin to near the pubes, stretches the specialized primary sensors (Frenular Loop) to align along the length of the shaft so the whole penis is energized pleasure. First was Penis. Second was Circ Penis. They are not the same. No one wants a smaller less sensitive static penis. Foreskin is not just the wrapper, it’s the candy too.

  2. The foreskin protects the glands penis. Without it, the glands loses most of its sensitivity because of being exposed. The foreskin doesn’t really have much sensitivity imo. I feel bad for dudes with no foreskin. Our society thinks it’s the thing to do and for hygienic reasons. Just wash your dick! Women have more skin folds in their labia minora and majora but we don’t cut those off. Women are circumcised in some foreign countries but this is for very different and barbaric reasons like sexual control.

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