Damn I wish this was a video! I need to know how this flashlight blinker actually works! The curiosity is bending my mind.
Damn I wish this was a video! I need to know how this flashlight blinker actually works! The curiosity is bending my mind.
Hey, POWM, if you didn’t notice the posting on your page is almost nonexistent. Bring back the old methods of posting before the page hits also drop to noexistant.
Goddamnit, this comment section format sucks donkey balls! Time to go back to Disqus, PoWM…
His wife get mad and he fix her car so she no mad. Poponator.
I want to know how a retard came up with the idea that a regular one dollar flash light is a “blinker” and not a regular light? I am astounded by the retarded captions beneath almost every post on this website. Who comes up with them? A random word generator?