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Belly Out For The Boys

The best part about this shirt is that it’s both fashionable and functional. Keeps the bellying looking slick and still has that front pocket for your pack of smokes.



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  1. Fucking lowlifes.

    Everyone who likes walmart needs to get in one so we can nuke them all and clean out the gene pool or racists, rednecks, inbreds and other assorted trailer trash.

    • Of, not or moron and yes you are correct sir.

      The sooner we rid the world of walmart scum aka Trumpanzees the sooner the world can move forward again.

      • Ya know what I see at Wallyworld? Liberals, sucking off the tits of America. Half-breeds and illegals, and the likes of these folks. Liberals. Sexually-confused freaks. Liberals. EBT-card wielding burdens to society. Liberals.

        • The majority of EBT card holders are white and very uneducated, meaning conservatards aka Trumpanzees.

          Why do red states get more in federal aid than they pay in taxes when the opposite is true for blue states?

          I will tell you why: the “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” conservative states leach off the filthy liberals. SC, WV, Alabama, Georgia, Idaho, Montana, etc would all be completely third world without the likes of California, Hawaii, Washington, etc to subsidize them.

          Even in blue states, the poor areas that receive the most welfare vote red.

          The welfare leaches are predominantly conservatives.


          • I realize that you are either a child or a brainwashed lemming, but 95% of people on welfare vote democrat. Your attempt to portray them as other is just an insult to yourself and your own kind. Most supporters of President Trump are independent, successful people – most that wouldn’t set foot in a walmart. Does mommy know you’re on her computer?

          • Check out a Donald “I love the uneducated” Trump rally sometime. Full of ignorant rednecks that couldn’t pass third grade.

            There is a reason he only won non-college educated people.


          • Retard Alert!

            If even half of that was true, democrats would be the first to cancel welfare…but since the demorat platform is welfare for all!!!

          • Dick weed I voted for Trump and very happy that he won. I’m a blue collar worker and one day working with me you would be hiding in your safe place. Just sweating would have you crying. I made 87 k last year getting my hands dirty and working.Guess what ass? I have no college debt and anybody stupid enough to spend 100 k or more for college, is not that smart. I work a trade that is not for pussys. Go fuck yourself.

          • $87k? That’s cute, that is less than the passive interest that college educated people make each year in index funds. Shit, I went to college, because I am not an idiot, and have paid $0.00 in college loans, and am able to retire on more than you make after less than 10 years. When I wake up on a Monday morning, I can work around the house, go fishing, exercise or do fuck all and I still made more money than you.

            I bet I made more money typing this than you made all day at your shit, low skill job that will soon be replaced by a robot.

            You need to stop watching Fox and Alex Jones, it rots the brain.

            In other words you are a dumbass that works a dangerous job that anyone with two working brain cells would pass on.

            Of course you are proud to vote for him. He unamerican and a wannabe dictator just like you are unAmerican. I bet your idea of high quality food is Mcdonald’s and KFC also, enjoy your stroke and heart attack, and fat ass and the 10 months pregnant look.

            Go fuck yourself because no one other than your fat ass sister or some nasty yeti down the road in your trailer park would touch such an ignorant, low class mong.

            Uneducated and proud of it: The Trumpanzee in a nutshell.

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