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Backwards Compatible

That fade is on point.



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    • Why do Liberal men always want to have sex with their mothers? Makes me glad that I was a bottle baby.

      • Why are you obsessed about incest? You are announcing to the world that you want to fuck your mom. Actually, I would not be surprised if you, being a backwards hick, fuck her 2-3 times a week.

        It is very telling that you make breastfeeding into something sexually deviant, you are a true moron.

        • You do nothing but come on here and spew hate, make derogatory comments about anyone that opposes your myopic views — and have appointed yourself as the board expert on everything.

          Your fucking candidate lost. Again. Get over it. Your TDS and OMB disorders are eating you alive. It’s truly sad that you have been prevented from getting the treatment that you need.

          • Just think how bad 2020 is going to be…..Heads will be popping off everywhere as TDS will increase. I’ll have to take a vacation day after the 2020 election. So I can eat pop corn and watch the melt down. When the returns come in over night.

          • “You do nothing but come on here and spew hate, make derogatory comments about anyone that opposes your myopic views — and have appointed yourself as the board expert on everything.”

            That sounds more like Trump buttboys. Check out the comments on Fox News.

            Why are you all saying to quit obsessing about Hillary, when YOU’RE the ones always bringing her up?

  1. I sent a message to POW to complain about the removal of internet ID. It’s the second time I complained but no change.

  2. What is going on with the Trump fans crying over a minor troll? I thought you guys were tough, but I guess you are as thick skinned as Trump is -ie not at all

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