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Afternoon Delight

Someone gotta fill that Tuesday afternoon shift at the strip club.



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  1. you know what…if you can’t say something nice, then don’t say nothing at all…so I am not saying anything…but since I am typing…please wear something that covers more.

  2. But the look on your face when Trump wins 4 more years as YOUR President is worth all of that dollar! #trumptrain2020

  3. After chugging a few cans of Old Milwaukee I ask my sister for a bang if she says no there is this hot chick on the other side of the trailer park. She never says no, The hottie in this picture looks a lot like the local bitch but weighs at least 100 pounds less so is not quite as hot,

    I love the trailer slut, she even has 10 teeth!

      • Nope, I live somewhere in Appalachia of course. I derped my way through third grade and am currently unemployed because I am too stupid to learn a useful skill.

        Like 99% of the rednecks that live in or near this ugly mountain range, I am on welfare and live in a hovel.

        • You’ve never really gotten over what that neighbor boy did to you, And just because his family had once driven through West Virginia, well, that’s not a valid reason to write off everything South of Cleveland.

  4. Strip club? I don’t think this honey will be getting too many tips tucked into her butt-crack

    Scorched Earth

    • She will rake in the dollars if she is in West Virginia, Kentucky, Alabama, Montana, Alaska or any otherthird-world redneck hellhole.

          • Not necessarily. When I see the news and there is a woman like this, or even more offensive to those who are not blind, if they show her kids, they almost always have the same skin/hair color of that young QB. Hold on a sec….Patrick Mahomes of KC Chiefs.

  5. At first I thought she was pregnant, but then realized she’s just a fat slob. And no I’m not fat shaming. She is fat and she is a slob.

    • Let me guess.

      You are a redneck, ill-educated, no skills, super fat, the diet of someone who is not likely to see 50, chain smoker and meth addict?

      Sorry, all of that is simply redneck.

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