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Act Like A Monkey

Yeah, okay cool. So that’s a f*cking monkey and it doesn’t belong out in public shopping around. I don’t care how you dress him up or how curious George is, that’s how shit like the plague starts.



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  1. I wonder where she was able to get a Patas monkey for a pet – unless she rescued it from a laboratory. If so it looks like it may have PTSD.

    • They look like hickey marks. I’m thinking she’s sapiosexual, and the little monkey was spanking her instead of the other way around.

  2. It’s against health dept regulations to bring anything but a service dog into any store that sells food, but walmartians never are smart enough and the mgmt won’t kick them out. Personally I don’t shop in any place that allows those disease ridden varmits.

    • I believe that most municipalities also have ordinances against keeping zoo type animals as pets as well

      Scorched Earth

  3. I hate these disease bags. Diaper rats belong in research facilities where their torment and death can benefit humanity.

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