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Tuck It In

Maybe that’s what those little tiny front pockets are for in jeans. All this time nobody even thought about tucking their beaver pelt hair into it and the answer was right in front of our faces. Well, behind us actually, but you know what I mean.



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  1. People that have those disgusting ‘tails’ for some reason are so proud of the fact that they never wash them (urp!). Stood behind a loser with one, and MAN–did that thing STINK!!!! hoy! Some people can lives with themselves like that & think it’s fine. I think it’s subhuman.

    • People that don’t wash get used to it and think nothing of it. A contractor we had from India never bathed until we complained. Then when he went home he was telling us he had to quit bathing because he couldn’t stand being around his family.

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