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No Glove, No Love

Sir, I’m not sure you quite understand the purpose of the glove in this situation. Like, it doesn’t count if you start out using a condom, but then take it off halfway through. The result are significantly different.



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  1. Holy hell! *FACEPALM* Cleetus is just too stupid to recognize that that totally defeats the entire purpose of wearing gloves. That’s even friggin’ nastier than NOT wearing gloves and putting the finger side in your mouth.

  2. I don’t what the big deal is why this pic or why it’s included as a walfart creature. The reason the glove is off is so that he can work the touchscreen of his phone. I have to take my glove off because my gloved fingers will not register. The only touchscreens that I can use with gloves on are at smiths. The only issue here is that the dude pulled the glove off with his teeth and put it in his mouth, hardly worthy to be put on a site which features bearded fat chicks in thongs strutting around showing off their muffin tops and whale blubber

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